Being loyal to Religion,School,Society and Motherland.

"Uplift the standard of education,sports and co-curricular activities of Zahira College with the co-operation of the school management and well-wishers,while look after the welfare of the members and the society."


Sunday, May 8, 2011

“Sponsor a Student – Academic Excellence”

The Sri Lankan Muslim Association of Western Australia decided to offer a sponsorship for a needy Zahirian for a year for his education.This project was brought to Mid80's by our active member Mr. Imtiaz who is in Perth- Australia. We sincerely thank the Muslims Association -WA and its former President Mr.Imtiaz for selecting a beneficiary from Zahira College-Matale for this sponsorship. The project proposal is given below. 


“Sponsor a Student – Academic Excellence”
Assist two (2) needy students in Sri Lanka for their academic expenses for a year.
Sponsorship Amount:   Rs 3000 per month for each student (Rs 72,000.00 per annum)
Stage 1
·         The selection criteria: Students who have had achieved academic excellence either at a school level or district level having financial difficulties to cope with their day to day school expenses.
·         The principal and their relevant teachers should collaborate in choosing the appropriate student for this scholarship.
·         Prepare a student profile attested by the principal (details of the student; name, age, grade, etc, parents’ occupation, brief of academic achievement and financial difficulty the student is facing)
 Stage 2
·         SLMS will notify Mid 80’s of their decision
·         Deposit the amount to Mid 80’s account
·         Funds are managed and monthly payments are duly passed to the recipient by mid 80’s
·         Mid 80’s to maintain a financial statement for the fund management
Stage 3
·         Acknowledgement from the principal to Mid 80’s and to SLMS
·         Acknowledgement  from the parent or guardian to SLMS through mid 80’s
Stage 4
·         An interim report after 6 months by mid 80’s about the progress of the project
·         A report at the end of the first year
·         SLMS will make a review of the project

At present two of our active members in Matale are sponsoring a needy student in Matale .The action committee in Matale has already started their work to find a beneficiary.We request our members to make their suggestions in this regard.

1 comment:

  1. My dear friends
    Alhamdullilah.I thank for posting my request for sponsoring a student –Academic Excellence....on our blog. Let me write a brief background of SLMSWA. A few Sri Lankan Muslims who are residence in Western Australia decided to start an association soon after the 2004 Tsunami. We incorporated the association as Sri Lankan Moors Society of WA and since then actively operating to date. Our main aim is to look after the welfare of the members and assist our motherland (Sri Lanka) in all possible ways. I was the inaugural president of 2004/05 and since then I have served in the executive committee until the end of last year. As we have a few Malays joining us we have to change the name to Sri Lankan Muslim Society of WA Inc.
    We have been financially helping a few students in Sri Lanka in the past through various associations operating in Sri Lanka. As this assistance was really appreciated by the recipients, we decided to continue for another year. This time I made a proposal to sponsor two students from ZCM through Mid 80’s.They agreed for one as they have already chosen a student from Al Mubarak Central College Malwana.
    I am very glad to learn that already two of our members are ready to sponsor students in similar arrangement. This is an excellent way to begin our academic contribution to our college. The aim of mid 80’s sponsoring such projects should be a long term one. Not just helping one or two students but encouraging the school management to start an ‘ACADEMIC ENRICHMENT PROGRAM’ and once it is in operation we could find more of this nature of scholarships to support the needy students Insha Allah.
    I have ensured the executive committee of SLMS that Mid 80’s will liaise with us professionally. The funds are ready so please respond promptly; however, plan carefully to get the appropriate candidate. I have no doubt that we can expect the utmost cooperation from Mr Iqbal and Mr Siddique to make this task a success.
    May Allah reward your efforts.
